Category Archives: And Now For Something Completely Different


What’s the difference between a chainsaw and a hedge trimmer?

Well, hedge trimmer massacre just doesn’t cut it.

*bu dum tss*


Happy 4th everybody! Enjoy these amusing ‘Murica themed pictures.

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Although these photos are mildly disrespectful to the great country of America, they are amusing and sadly true.



Harry Potter Appreciation Post

I recently finished the entire Harry Potter series. (movies and books.) They were incredibly well done, the characters were real and the universe was amazing. I loved my journey through Pottersphere and my one regret is that I can do first only once.

Through the eight movies, one non-book line stood out to me. Link to video.

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This post is an appreciation of that line, Danial Radcliffe’s delivery and Emma Watson’s face. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

Also, I am planning on writing a fanfic sharing how Dolres Jane Umbridge (spelling is hard)  met her gory end. Haven’t decided how yet. :)

In other news: not only am I totally exhausted, but this evening I have to…go out and…socialize! Wish me luck.

A Time for Celebration

image not mine, and no, that’s not me in the picture. :P

Woo-Hoo! 20 followers! Yes, I know it’s not a lot to many people, but it means a lot to me. Every like, every comment and every follow has spurred me on to further greatness. Today, the blog. Tomorrow, the world!

But in all seriousness, thank you guys so much. Just clicking that like button makes me really happy. I am really looking forward to this next series especially. Be sure to ‘like’ the articles you…well…like, so I know what you want and can do more of them! Also, each and every comment makes my day. Please don’t be afraid to write a little something. Even a short “Good article” or “Thanks” is fantastic. In other news, I believe I’m slowly nearing my 100th post. I feel like it should be something special. What do you think?

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Five Pictures That Made Me Laugh Today a.k.a. My Brain Isn’t Working And I Don’t Want To Write An Article

None of these pictures are mine. I found them on Pinterest. Enjoy.

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I hope you enjoyed this post brought to you by nerdyteengirl in association with

Happy Potter: The Series Rewritten

Due to a fortunate mistake by a friend on, I have re-titled the famous series to concur with the new name of the main character, Happy Potter.

Happy Potter and the Sparkling Stone
Happy Potter and the Chamber of Laughs
Happy Potter and the Prisoner of the Tickle-Monster
Happy Potter and the Goblet of Giggles
Happy Potter and the Order of Fun-Bringers
Happy Potter and the Cheery Prince
Happy Potter and the Jovial Hallows

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Don’t forget his companions, Hermione Giggles and ROTFL Weasly. Together surely they can make Lord GrumpyFace smile!

Thinking about writing fanfic on this.


*dies from happiness*

So, I check up on ShockingBlankets tumblr blog every once in a while. For those of you who have no idea who ShockingBlankets is, check out my first post about her.Lately I forgot, and just remembered today. So I’m just scrolling, checking out her work, when I find this! Link. <– go here to see picture. She doesn’t want her art uploaded elsewhere.

She drew a picture based on my story!!! *squeee!* I can’t believe it! *dies from happiness* I’m really very happy right now. Really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really…

(several hours later)

…really, really, really happy. You go, ShockingBlankets! (she called me her writer-duckling from the internet-pond!)

I’m Totally Bored

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I totally feel like this right now. Last minute cancellations are extremely frustrating/depressing, although I don’t blame the person. So here I am, feeling like John. So I hop on the computer. Nothing new on my favorite blogs, Chicken Smoothie is surprisingly quiet, I don’t feel like reading or drawing and my family is watching Twister, which is probably pretty interesting. I decided to take up origami due to a series of books. They were written for a younger

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audience, but I don’t mind. I read a pretty good amount and variety. For example, my books-I-have-read list for this week (since Monday) reads as follows:

The House of the Scorpion by Nancy Farmer, about 400 pages (1 day, Monday)

No Safety in Numbers by Dayna Lorentz, about 250 pages (.3 days overlapping between Monday and Tuesday)

The Kind of Friends We Used to Be by Frances O’Roark Dowell, about 230 pages (.3 days, Tuesday)

The Strange Case of Origami Yoda by Tom Angleberger, about 140 pages (2 hours, Wednesday)

Darth Paper Strikes Back by Tom Angleberger, about 150 pages (.2 days, Wednesday and Thursday)

The Secret of the Fortune Wookiee by Tom Angleberger, about 190 pages (.2 days, Thursday and Friday)

TOTAL: about 1360 pages in five days. Not too shabby.

So that’s what I did. Yeah, I guess I’m a fast reader. I have a few more books lined up, it will be fun.



A Little Life Update

Not much going on with me. A little fangirling, a little cosplay plans, a little story idea, a little reading, you know.

And this is a pretty cupcake gif I found online that has nothing to do with my post but is very pretty. gif not mine.

Nothing really interesting. Let’s see…

I started a Benedict Cumberbatch fanclub on Chicken Smoothie.

I re-connected with an old friend, we’re going to do cosplays together.

I am planning my novel for either July or November, both NaNoWriMo months.

I’ve read the House of the Scorpion, No Safety in Numbers and The Strange Case of Origami Yoda.

I found this pretty gif online.

I have ordered a sonic screwdriver from It should come by tomorrow. Super excited!

Oh, and just a little thing…


But I’m not excited about this. At all.


My Fandom Has Made Me Crazy

I have no idea what I’m doing. I just found myself learning photoshop while making this.

Photo’s not mine, editing is.

There is a fandom joke that Matt Smith (The Eleventh Doctor, Doctor Who) is a majestic, clumsy unicorn. Once he took off a white jacket to keep it clean and set it in a glass of grape juice. We love him anyway. What is wrong with my life?

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Somebody help me.