Blog Archives

Doctor Who/Sherlock Parties Don’t Need A Reason

You really don’t need a reason to throw a party. You need even less of a reason to throw a full Doctor Who/Sherlock  party with cake, goodie bags and balloons. So I did. Here are some pictures. Enjoy.


Mustache Straws and Doctor Who Themed Galaxy Jello? Yes please!


Close-up of the yummy yummy galaxy jello.


This positively amazing Sherlock iced cake was bluer on the inside. :)


Appreciate the cake. Look at it!

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Even the daleks showed up!


The TARDIS and K-9 sat with me.


The goodie bags were the coolest things around.

And so that’s what I did yesterday. Thanks for following my blog!



More About Doctor Who

I may or may not be starting to tell time by the Doctors names. You see, there have been eleven regenerations of the Doctor, each played by a diffrent actor.

1. William Hartnell
2. Patrick Troughton
3. Jon Pertwee
4. Tom Baker
5. Peter Davison
6. Colin Baker
7. Sylvester McCoy
8. Paul McGann
9. Christopher Eccleston
10. David Tennent
11. Matt Smith

Right now it’s about a quarter to Eccleston. Yup.


Guys. Guys. I am so excited for November? Want to know why?

1. Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Film-Length Celebratory Episode

2. Catching Fire

3. NaNoWriMo!

“But what,” you ask, “is NaNoWriMo?” It stands for National Novel Writing Month, which is November, and is participated in by hundreds of thousands of people all over the world! Anyway, the goal is to write 50,000 words of a new novel in one month. I’m totally doing this. What a challenge! I recommend you head over to their site and check it out. Here is the official site. Here is the wiki article.

Doctor Who Spoilers

I may or may not be curled on the floor crying because I just heard Matt Smith will be regenerating in the Christmas Special. This year is passing far to quickly. I used to wish for November everyday, but now I want everyday to last a year. I DON’T WANT HIM TO GO! I CAN’T HANDLE THIS! ;_; and yes, it’s official.

GIF Awesomeness

GIFs must be some of the coolest things in the world. So here I compiled a few of my favorites to share with you. I don’t own any of them, they all belong the maker(s).


Now a little Benny love ^.^


















My OTP lives strong <3







And that’s that. I also made chocolate covered pears today. They were yummy.

Brian on a Gurney

After watching Doctor Who’s Power of Three, the scene where Amy and Rory wheel Brian away on a gurney was impressed upon me as being a rather amusing gif. His face, the gurney, it just made me laugh. Thankfully, I was saved the trouble of making one with a quick google search. The gif is not mine, neither is the scene or the show. Find the original gif here. That’s where I found it.

The Tennant Bird


Picture not mine. Belongs to original owner(s).


Following up on my last post, I give you the Tennant bird. David Tennant (the guy, not the bird) played the Tenth Doctor in Doctor Who. Someone found a bird that has the fabulous Tennant hair and made this.
